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Dye my hair black. Walk alone

after dark. Run away from home.

Never go back. Live in the city.

Squeeze into that leather miniskirt.

Wear eyeliner to bed. Sleep with

the windows open. Drink coffee

at midnight. Sip wine

and whiskey at the same time.

Eat chocolate for breakfast, French

toast for dinner. Bite my nails.

Chew my bottom lip. Break string

with my teeth. Say fuck. Run

the New York City Marathon, then

run it again. Quit school to be on TV.

Quit my family to survive. Go to therapy.

Stay in therapy. Call the police

when my brother sold cocaine. Forgive

my mother. Forgive my father.

Do a back flip off the high dive

when I was 33. Stop on the edge

of the 405 to catch that dog

running along the tracks. Fall in love

on the first date. Marry the man I fell in love

with on the first date. Ignore their calls.