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John Lennon getting a duck’s-arse haircut (late 1950’s). John Lennon eating a slice of cake with his hands. John Lennon opening a birthday present (guitar). John Lennon laying around and doing nothing (in bed). John Lennon receiving corporal punishment (cane). John Lennon with a worried look on his face (“where’s Mummy?”). John Lennon in church, looking around while everyone else’s heads are bowed in prayer. John Lennon having tea. John Lennon imitating the walk of a cripple he encountered in the street. John Lennon declaiming in a heavy scouse accent (indecipherable). John Lennon looking into a mirror, straightening his tie. John Lennon walking across the stage to accept a degree from art college (alternate universe). John Lennon singing into a microphone (wad of bubblegum visible in left cheek). John Lennon reading der Spiegel. John Lennon, eyes narrow, glaring intensely at the camera (misplaced glasses). John Lennon calling his audience “fooking Nazis” (Hamburg, 1962). John Lennon asking the Beatles’ manager Brian Epstein if he would like a ginger beer (Cockney rhyming slang). John Lennon writing “guess who?” in the address field of a sealed letter. John Lennon piloting a psychedelic Rolls Royce. John Lennon reacting to the results of a medical exam (clean bill of health). John Lennon calling his audience “fooking Nazis" (Shea Stadium, 1965). John Lennon with his arm around an invisible friend’s shoulder (later identified as “Brian Epstein’s non-existent girlfriend”). John Lennon with a pair of cans on his ears, asking the sound engineer for more echo. John Lennon placing a sugar cube in his coffee. John Lennon reading the Times of London. John Lennon hanging a sign reading THIS IS NOT HERE above his doorway. John Lennon at a Soho art gallery, using a pair of scissors to cut out the only part of a painting he really likes (reminds him of the painting in his head). John Lennon learning about the death of the Beatles’ manager Brian Epstein and laughing hysterically (common nervous reaction to devastating news). John Lennon taking the wrong exit on the Penny Lane roundabout in his psychedelic Rolls Royce. John Lennon sitting on Allen Ginsberg’s lap. Allen Ginsberg sitting on John Lennon’s lap. John Lennon hammering a nail into the center of a piece of glass. John Lennon with developers on his Tittenhurst property, pointing out the exact spot where he wants the artificial lake to be installed. John Lennon playing “keep-away” with an unidentified actor with dwarfism on the set of Magical Mystery Tour. John Lennon wearing a schoolboy-style blazer emblazoned with the Latin motto, Canis meus id comedit (translation: my dog ate it.). John Lennon “ice skating” around his house in a pair of black dress socks. John Lennon writing “Lost Arseholes, California” in the address field of a sealed envelope. John Lennon yelling from a hotel balcony, shaking his fist like a dictator. John Lennon, with a pair of cans on his ears (baked beans). John Lennon screaming (in therapy). John Lennon laying around and doing nothing (in the recording studio). John Lennon scratching out the word “father” on a notepad and replacing it with “mother.” John Lennon interviewing a prospective candidate for the position of personal assistant (unpaid). John Lennon in the hallway of his apartment building, accosting his neighbors and demanding to know if this was where they shot Rosemary's Baby (answer: soundstage in Hollywood). John Lennon fretting that his electric guitar is a fire hazard. John Lennon reacting to the results of a medical exam (bad news). John Lennon tearing a scrap off a sarcophagus while on vacation in Egypt (there’s Mummy!). John Lennon helming a schooner (not psychedelic). John Lennon, with a pair of cans on his ears, listening to Bruce Springsteen’s Darkness on the Edge of Town and holding his nose. John Lennon on a balcony, following the path of an Unidentified Flying Object through a pair of binoculars. John Lennon staring at an open phone book, trying to recall the name of the place that has the good salsa. John Lennon picking up his telephone and hearing a soft click. John Lennon petting a cat named Elvis. John Lennon reading the New York Post. John Lennon asleep in the bathtub. John Lennon screaming (not in therapy). John Lennon kneeling to locate a lost object that has rolled under the couch. John Lennon transferring boiled noodles from a cooking pot to a strainer. John Lennon trying to recall the last time he mailed a letter. John Lennon, doing that thing again (wandering into a room and then forgetting why he came in there). John Lennon eating a slice of cake with his hands. John Lennon getting a duck’s-arse haircut (12/9/80).