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June 25, 2022

After the Buzz-cut

K Janeschek

June 24, 2022

In Season

Sara Aultman

June 23, 2022

i can’t believe i let corporate america make me cry

r kay

June 22, 2022

A New Life

Anthony Aguero

June 21, 2022

After I Came Out: A Golden Shovel

Brian Seungheon Kim

June 20, 2022

I got so high in the operating room before my sex change I thought I was a biblically accurate angel made out of Barbie doll parts

Felix Lecocq

June 19, 2022

The Man In The Moon Is Transmasc

Rachel Stempel

June 18, 2022

In this one, Mulan lives

Celeste Sea

June 17, 2022

the boy wanted to dance

luna rey hall

June 16, 2022

Plus Ones

Hannah Gregory

June 15, 2022


Tom Snarsky

June 14, 2022

Longing Is A Slimy Thing

Mahalia Sobhani

June 13, 2022

For My Lover, Returning To His Wife 

Dare Williams

June 12, 2022

Hang On To Yourself

Sutton Strother

June 11, 2022

The Garbo Lesson

Jen Rouse

June 10, 2022

They Demanded Other Verses

Avery Nguyen

June 9, 2022

Everywhere, Tony Danza

Wendy Oleson

June 8, 2022

Lurking on Dark Academia Grindr

Jared Povanda

June 7, 2022


Kelsey Fuson

June 5, 2022

Necessary Intrusions

Emily Holland

June 4, 2022

How to Conjugate a Twink

Adrian Dallas Frandle

June 3, 2022

Weeping Woman With Buttons for Eyes

Alyssa Goldberg

June 2, 2022

To Answer Lestat’s Last Question

Madeleine Corley

June 1, 2022

My Private Parts Are Many

Doug Paul Case

May 31, 2022


D.T. Robbins

May 30, 2022

WA Hawkins

May 29, 2022

Extremely Online

Caelyn Cobb

May 28, 2022

2 Poems

Nicole Tallman

May 27, 2022

For best results, don’t shower alone

Sonia Alejandra Rodriguez

May 26, 2022

3 Shorties

Adrian Dallas Frandle