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Am I balding.

Here is The Emperor Napoleon in His Study at the Tuileries, says the guide, who is not bald, who points to the biographical plaque of the artist, Jacques-Louis David, who was not bald.

Am I balding.

What, says Rodrigo, my barber, who is not bald, who wants my thirty-five bucks, and who, for this reason, cannot be trusted.

Am I balding.

Maybe just a whorl but could also be thinning, says /u/aregulardude1723, who is bald, and who has made nine reddit posts about owning it.

Am I balding.

I love you for who’s in here, says Juliette, my wife, who is not bald, and who pokes my chest.

Did Napoleon bald.

‘Many locks…fine chestnut hair…until his death,” says historian Shannon Selin of ShannonSelin.com, who is not bald, and who writes of the Great People of History, who were not bald.

Am I balding.

KYS, says Anonymous, who is not bald, and who asserts, in a subsequent post, that the bald should be eradicated.

Am I balding.

Bodies are for shedding, says the ghost of my maternal grandfather, who is not bald, and who died from cirrhosis of the liver in June of 1998.

Am I balding.  

Propecia, propecia, says Rodrigo, my barber, who is not bald, and who suddenly I trust.

Am I balding.

Yes, says me, who is balding, who is not Jacques-Louis David, or Rodrigo, or /u/aregulardude1723, or my wife, or Napoleon, or Anonymous, or anyone else, who is only me, who is balding.